

Lack of money、When you’re in a pinch of money【かんてい局小山店2021年10月】

Hello, this is Pawn Shop Kantei Bureau Oyama store.
At the pawn shop Kantei Bureau Oyama store, you can buy your important items.
We will purchase and keep the quality.

For purchase, you will be asked to let go of the item, but for pawnbroker
Let me lend according to the assessed amount without letting go of the item
Let’s eat.

As with the purchase, it is used more than that.
We would like to introduce you to pawnbrokers.

Benefits of pawn shops

First of all, the fact that you used pawnbroker and pawnbroker
I will introduce how to borrow money to those who do not have it.
Let me explain in an easy-to-understand and simple manner.
Money as collateral (deposit) for your goods
It is a system that will lend you.
There is no upper limit to the amount that can be loaned from 1,000 yen.
(In the case of a large loan, it may take some time.)

The biggest merit of pawnbroker is the customer’s important items
You can borrow money without letting go.
If you can deposit interest according to the period of deposit
We will return the item.
(Example of interest: 1000 yen for one month deposit 80 yen)
(Interest is on a monthly basis, not on a daily basis. One day or one month
It will be the same amount. )

With the goods returned to the customer, you can make a loan as many times as you like.
There is no maximum number of items that can be stored.
We can keep any number of items and make a loan.
Also, if you have any questions, please call or visit the store and contact the staff.
Please feel free to contact us.
We also carry out LINE assessments, so you don’t have to come to the store.
It is also possible to present an approximate amount.


At the pawn shop Kantei Bureau Oyama store, customers brought it in
We purchase (sell) and pledge (not sell) the goods.
Many customers use the purchase, but the pledge is the same as the purchase.
It is used by more customers.
In addition, at the pawn shop Kantei Bureau Oyama store, when making an assessment, we will guide customers in a private room.
We hope that you can use it with confidence.

Now, let’s take a look at the items that are often used for pawning and pawnbrokering.
I will introduce you.

Goods used by many people.
The first is a wallet.

Things that are still in use now, but were used before
Items that are not used now, whether or not to use them as gifts
It is used by many customers, such as those who are at a loss.

The condition of the wallet is also various, and it is almost new and unused
Some items have been used for many years.

Even if it has been used for many years and the condition is difficult
There are cases where you can make a loan, so
If you have any problems, please feel free to bring them with you.

Ring necklace

Next, about the period of pawning and pawning
I will introduce you.
Example: On January 1st, in the case of pawning and pawning
The first deadline is April 1st.

・ Customers can purchase goods after using pawnbrokers and pawnbrokers.
If returned, the principal and interest for the period of deposit will be charged.
You will need it.
Example: If you want to lend 10,000 yen and return it in two months
A principal of 10,000 yen plus interest (800 yen x 2 months) of 1600 yen is required.

I will explain the deadline.
In the case of pledge and custody, you do not have to pay interest for up to three months.
The goods will not flow.
(Flow quality: Ownership is transferred from the customer to our shop.)

If you pledge on January 1st and use the pawnbroker,
You can return it by April 1st if you have the principal and interest.

You will have three months to borrow money.
Also, even if the deadline has come, if payment is difficult
You can extend the deadline by paying interest for only one month.
Is possible.

Currently, money is in a pinch, but I don’t want to let go of important items
We hope that such people can use pawnbrokers and pawnbrokers.

In particular, the gold market is currently soaring, so rings, necklaces, etc.
The market price may be higher for those who use gold, pledge with gold, and pawnbroker.
We are using pawnbrokers and pawnbrokers because we cannot do it.

For gold, gold, platinum, silver throat items
Even if the item is broken, you can pledge and keep it.
Please feel free to use it.

Please let me consult with you

At the Kantei Bureau Oyama store, you can make a loan from 1,000 yen.
Also, this time the item was a one-of-a-kind pawnbroker,
You can keep as many items as you like.
Kantei Bureau Oyama store pawn system, pawn system, etc.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to use LINE, phone, etc.
Please contact the store staff.



質屋かんてい局小山店の LINE@ でお得な情報を配信中!

質屋かんてい局 小山店

質屋かんてい局 小山店 質屋かんてい局 小山店 質屋かんてい局 小山店

〒323-0820 栃木県小山市西城南3丁目12-11
TEL:0285-28-22780285-28-2278  FAX:0285-28-2279
◆営業時間/10:00~19:00 ◆大型駐車場完備


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  • かんてい局 小山店


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  • かんてい局 その他のブランド買取


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  • 質屋かんてい局 楽天オンラインショップ


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