

Proof of identity is acceptable【Pawnshop Kanteikyoku Utsunomiya2023.04】

Hello! This is the Kantei kyoku Utsunomiya branch.
Today I would like to explain and introduce pawnbroking.

If you have come to Japan and want to use a pawn shop but are not sure what to do, please use Pawnshop Kantei kyoku.

Pawnshop System

We lend money by accepting your precious items (pawn) such as jewelry, precious metals, watches, and brand-name goods as collateral.
If the customer pays the pledge fee (interest) and the principal amount on time, we will return the pledged item to the customer.
Even if the customer is unable to repay the loan, the customer is not obligated to repay the loan if he or she relinquishes the item(s) deposited as collateral.
Pawnshop Kantei kyoku pawn period is 3 months from the day you pawn your item.

We will keep your item(s) until the pawn expiration date.
You can also pay pawn interest (pledge fee) or return (pawn) your items at any time within the pawn period (within 3 months).

If you do not plan to return (pawn) your item by the due date, you can extend the pledge period by paying only the pawn interest (pledge fee) by the due date.
As long as you continue to pay the pledge interest, the pawn expiration date will be extended.
On the other hand, if the customer does not wish to extend the pawn, the ownership of the item will be automatically transferred from the customer to our store when the pawn deadline has passed, so there is no need to contact us at all.
You can pawn your item again, so please feel free to use our service as many times as you like.

Historic Financial Institutions

Pawnbroking is a financial system that has continued for 700 years since the Kamakura period.
By the mid-Edo period (mid-1900s), when the money economy had spread throughout Japan, pawnshops had become well established among the general public, and combs, hairpins, clothing, bedding, pots and kettles, etc. were used as pawns.

Today, pawn shops are permitted to operate under the “Pawnshop Business Law” with the permission of the Public Safety Commission of each prefecture. As such, they are responsible for the sound operation and safety of the goods entrusted to them, including the obligation to store the goods in a pawn warehouse with strict and careful care.

Difference between a pawnshop and a consumer finance company

Yes, pawn stores do provide loans, but they are not money lenders like consumer credit companies.
Also, since you are pledging your belongings as collateral and receiving a loan of the appropriate amount of money, it is a “reasonable” method of financing that is completely different from “borrowing money”. So there is no danger of over-borrowing, and there is no obligation to repay, no collections, no late interest, simply by giving up the items you have deposited. This is the main reason why pawn stores have long been used as sound financial institutions.

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質屋かんてい局宇都宮店の LINE@ でお得な情報を配信中!

質屋かんてい局 宇都宮店

質屋かんてい局 宇都宮店 質屋かんてい局 宇都宮店 質屋かんてい局 宇都宮店

〒321-0968 栃木県宇都宮市中今泉2丁目11-18
TEL:028-635-1178028-635-1178  FAX:028-635-1179
◆営業時間/10:00~19:00 ◆大型駐車場完備


  • かんてい局 宇都宮店
  • かんてい局 鹿沼店
  • かんてい局 那須塩原店
  • かんてい局 宇都宮戸祭店
  • かんてい局 小山店


  • かんてい局 ブランド時計買取
  • かんてい局 バッグ・財布買取
  • かんてい局 財布買取
  • かんてい局 アクセサリー買取
  • かんてい局 金・プラチナ買取
  • かんてい局 ダイヤモンド・宝石買取
  • かんてい局 お酒買取
  • かんてい局 商品券・金券
  • かんてい局 その他のブランド買取


  • かんてい局 ロレックス ROLEX買取
  • かんてい局 ルイヴィトン LOUIS VUITTON買取
  • かんてい局 エルメス HERMES買取
  • かんてい局 シャネル CHANEL買取
  • かんてい局 グッチ GUCCI買取
  • かんてい局 コーチ COACH買取
  • かんてい局 カルティエ Cartier買取
  • かんてい局 ブルガリ BVLGARI買取
  • かんてい局 オメガ OMEGA買取
  • かんてい局 ティファニー Tiffany買取
  • かんてい局 その他のブランド買取
  • 質屋かんてい局 楽天オンラインショップ


質屋かんてい局 宇都宮店 質屋かんてい局 鹿沼店 質屋かんてい局 那須塩原店 質屋かんてい局 宇都宮戸祭店 質屋かんてい局 小山店