

About Pawnbroking for Immediate Cash【Kantei Bureau, Nasushiobara Store】

Happy New Year!
We at Kantei Bureau Nasushiobara would like to wish you a very Happy New Year!
How was your year last year?
Let’s do our best to make this year a good one as well
By the way, things are a bit tight at the beginning of the year, aren’t they?
When you need cash immediately, we recommend “Pawn” at Kantei Bureau Nasushiobara store.
There are no examinations, so it’s quick and easy!

We loan money, but we are not in the money lending business like consumer credit.
Also, since you put up your own belongings as collateral and receive a loan of the appropriate amount of money, it is a “reasonable” method of financing that is completely different from “borrowing money”.
So there is no risk of over-borrowing, and there is no obligation to repay, no collections, no late interest, just giving up the goods you have deposited.
This is the main reason why pawn stores have long been used as sound financial institutions.

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What is a quality system?

Pawnshop Kantei Bureau Nasu Shiobara store will keep your pawn items for 3 months from the date of pawning.

We will keep your item(s) until the expiration date.
You can also pay pawn interest (pledge fee) or return (pawn) your items at any time within the pawn period (within 3 months).

If you do not plan to return (pawn) your item by the due date, you can extend the pledge period by paying only the pawn interest (pledge fee) by the due date.
As long as you continue to pay the pledge interest, the pawn expiration date will be extended.
On the other hand, if the customer does not wish to extend the pawn, the ownership of the item will be automatically transferred from the customer to our store when the pawn deadline has passed, so there is no need to contact us at all.
You can pawn your item again, so please feel free to use our service as many times as you like.

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【Pledge and interest】

Pledge (interest) is calculated on a full month basis.

Kantei Bureau Nasushiobara calculates pledges (interest) on a full month basis.
Full month calculation means that pledges are calculated on a monthly basis. It is not calculated on a daily basis.
In other words, the date of pledge is counted from the date of pledging and the date of return is counted from the date of pledge.
If it is within 1 month, 1 month’s pledge + principal
If within 2 months, 2 months’ pledge + principal
If within 3 months, 3 months’ pledge + principal

It is possible to return under the above conditions. We can return your loan at your own timing.
Furthermore, the higher the loan amount, the lower the pledge rate.

How much is the pledge fee (interest)?

Kantei Bureau Nasu Branch offers the following interest rates per month.
(Amount of loan … Interest for one month)

1,000 – 100,000 yen …9%.
101,000 yen to 500,000 yen …8%.
501,000 yen to 1,000,000 yen … 7% (7)
1,001,000 yen to 1,500,000 yen …6%.
1,500,000 yen and up …5%.

※Repayment can be made from the same day at the earliest. (You can do it at your own timing)
The pawnbroker’s pawn period (the time limit for keeping the pawn) is 3 full months counting from the date of pawning.
However, the pawn expiration date can be extended by paying only the pledge fee by the due date. As long as the customer continues to pay the pledge fee, the pawn expiration date will be extended.

What can be deposited in pawn?

What kind of goods can be pawned? What kind of goods are best suited for pawn?
The most common pawn items are precious metals, and brand-name items such as watches, bags, and wallets!
Recently, an increasing number of items are small consumer electronics for devices such as “iPhones”, “iPads”, “apple watches” and more!
Cameras and appliances can also be pawned!
In fact, such items can also be pawned.!!!What a thing to do!
Please feel free to contact us!

Convenient on line valuation

We recommend you to register as a LINE friend at Kantei Bureaus Nasushiobara store!
We have a lot of special offers!
Let us introduce you to some of the benefits!
Benefit 1: Convenient on line valuation!
(Just send us a picture and we’ll do the valuation for you.)
Benefit 2: LINE Limited Coupons!
(Coupons that can be used for shopping and purchases!)
Benefit 3: Various Inquiries!
(For pawn consultations, inquiries about the gold market, etc.)

We have a lot of benefits for you! Please register as a friend! Please register as a friend!



質屋かんてい局那須塩原店の LINE@ でお得な情報を配信中!

質屋かんてい局 那須塩原店

質屋かんてい局 那須塩原店 質屋かんてい局 那須塩原店 質屋かんてい局 那須塩原店

〒329-2712 栃木県那須塩原市下永田1丁目1012-15
TEL:0287-37-99780287-37-9978  FAX:0287-37-9979
◆営業時間/10:00~19:00 ◆大型駐車場完備


  • かんてい局 宇都宮店
  • かんてい局 鹿沼店
  • かんてい局 那須塩原店
  • かんてい局 宇都宮戸祭店
  • かんてい局 小山店


  • かんてい局 ブランド時計買取
  • かんてい局 バッグ・財布買取
  • かんてい局 財布買取
  • かんてい局 アクセサリー買取
  • かんてい局 金・プラチナ買取
  • かんてい局 ダイヤモンド・宝石買取
  • かんてい局 お酒買取
  • かんてい局 商品券・金券
  • かんてい局 その他のブランド買取


  • かんてい局 ロレックス ROLEX買取
  • かんてい局 ルイヴィトン LOUIS VUITTON買取
  • かんてい局 エルメス HERMES買取
  • かんてい局 シャネル CHANEL買取
  • かんてい局 グッチ GUCCI買取
  • かんてい局 コーチ COACH買取
  • かんてい局 カルティエ Cartier買取
  • かんてい局 ブルガリ BVLGARI買取
  • かんてい局 オメガ OMEGA買取
  • かんてい局 ティファニー Tiffany買取
  • かんてい局 その他のブランド買取
  • 質屋かんてい局 楽天オンラインショップ


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